JCCP Launches new Guidance on Buttock augmentation & other body contouring procedures – Guidance for Enforcement by Local Authority Authorised Officers


The JCCP is a charitable organisation primarily concerned with public safety across the cosmetic sector. It is the recognised body responsible for oversight of the HEE cosmetic qualifications’ framework. The JCCP works through partnership agreements with a range of UK regulators, professional membership organisations and stakeholder groups and has significant experience in the application of diverse regulations and standards to the cosmetic sector.

This guidance document has been prepared at the request of the Joint Council of Cosmetic Practitioners (JCCP), the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) and the British Beauty Council (BBC) in response to reports of significant public harm being caused by the inappropriate administration of buttock augmentation and other contouring procedures by performed by unqualified non-medical practitioners. This document is released at this time in the light of the tragic death of Alice Webb following an inappropriately administered buttock augmentation procedure, however, the guidance was prepared prior to this incident. This guidance refers to the injection of any product, including dermal fillers or autologous fat, intended to enhance or augment the buttocks, breast or genitals using dermal filler or any other material. Requests for clinical advice have been received from a range of UK wide Local Authority Environmental Health Officers with a responsibility for enforcement.

This guidance is intended for use by Local Authorities who have identified businesses, received complaints or other intelligence, relating to the liquid or ‘nonsurgical’ Brazilian Butt/Bum Lift (BBL), breast or genital augmentation using dermal filler or any other synthetic material.  These procedures pose a risk of serious personal injury when carried out by unsuitably trained practitioners.  Local Authorities in this position have powers available under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974, to issue a Prohibition Notice on businesses or practitioners, who pose a risk, and are performing, or likely to perform these procedures.  The JCCP has recently received an inordinate number of requests for assistance from a range of UK wide Local Authority Environmental Health Officers with a responsibility for enforcement.

Local authorities may not possess the required medical knowledge and expertise to feel confident in issuing such notices. This Guidance is provided to fill that knowledge gap and to promote a consistent approach.

The JCCP has been working collaboratively with a range of partner medical and surgical membership organisations in association with the Chartered Institute for Environmental Health (CIEH) and the British Beauty Council (BBCo) in response to reports of significant public harm being caused by the inappropriate administration of BBL and other contouring procedures by unqualified practitioners in the United Kingdom. The conclusions expressed in this guidance document are the result of professional and expert assessment which has been prepared by a panel of health protection and healthcare professional practitioner representatives, resulting in the provision of expert advice to support local authority and other regulatory officers. Our conclusions are based on the recognition that the surgical nature of buttock, breast and genital augmentation should be designated as being ‘surgical’ in nature, as defined by the Royal College of Surgeons and the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons. We are indebted to these organisations for their expert contribution.

After consultation with experts and competent authorities, it is agreed that any procedure designed for buttock, breast or genital augmentation, using dermal fillers or grafted autologous fat, is considered to be a surgical procedure. Further, based on the available evidence, the risks, the ability to mitigate those risks, and the proficiency to manage the adverse events and complications when they arise, are such that these procedures should only be performed by appropriately trained specialist surgeons and fully qualified General Medical Council registered medical doctors who possess additional qualifications to undertake surgical procedures and have proven and ongoing competence in the performance of the procedures virtue in this guidance document.

The JCCP advises that all individuals performing procedures contained within the scope of this guidance should consider the risks as cited, and the consequences of those risks, and to cease performing such procedures where they do not meet the specified standards. The JCCP will assist any enforcement activity where practitioners continue to perform these procedures in the face of harm being caused to members of the public.

We urge members of the public to avoid responding to promotions for these procedures, typically those posted on social media, and to seek advice from appropriate GMC regulated professional doctors who work from regulated premises as defined in this guidance.

The guidance document may be accessed here.

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